Creating Healthy Workplaces with NLP

Creating Healthier Workplaces with NLP

ANLP Rapport Article #74 - Spring 2022

The latest edition of the ANLP (The Association for NLP) Rapport Magazine #74 with an article that Andy wrote about taking NLP into the heart of organisations. The second half of the article talks about the work Andy did to bring NLP based tools and principles into the Professional Boundaries training that he created for Ubisoft, the multi-billion dollar computer games company, a company that we have been working with since 2020

We created a three module programme for employees to work through to support their understanding about healthy boundaries and to look at how they can implement their own strategies to manage the balance between having great rapport with; and supporting players and other team members, whilst managing their own privacy and energy levels.

The modules incorporated a lot of NLP tools, principles and processes plus elements from Transactional Analysis, Clean Language and mindfulness/CBT practices as we look at each individual as a combination of their thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

The programme has been rolled out to over 200 employees so far and we’re looking to pick this project back up later in 2022 and expand it to other areas of the business.

Find out more about the work I do to provide professional boundaries for the computer games industry and the contents of the modules.

Get in touch if you’d like to find out more. Sessions can be remote or face-to-face.

To read the free ‘lite’ version of the ANLP Rapport magazine, the quarterly publication from the ANLP to support ethical and professional NLP, click here.


Cause and Effect in Professional Boundaries


Boundaries are vitally important for your charity team