Professional Boundaries for Charities


The work that charities do within the community can never be underestimated, they are frequently supporting vulnerable members of the community and often providing services with volunteers from within those same communities. 

There are often professional boundary policies in place but these are black and white; do this, don’t do that, and they don’t pay attention to the small boundary transgressions that start to occur before lines are crossed completely.

We’ve worked with a number of charity organisations to support their staff and teams of volunteers to look after their wellbeing and resilience alongside examining professional boundaries and the role they play.


Work has included:

  • Supporting a domestic violence charity with face to face (and virtual) training sessions to equip their staff who work with survivors at a refuge and via the phone lines.

  • Working with a children’s charity over a number of locations to discuss the implications of poor boundary management on their own mental health

  • Providing training for a charity working with the victims of genocide to get the right balance in the professional work they provide to the victims, whilst managing their own energy levels, especially around key dates and memorial events

  • Training former services users in a community outreach charity who now work with people in the position they were in to help them manage their boundaries so that they do not become drained offering the mentoring and advice that they do

You can read a bit more about the work I’ve been doing with charities in a recent blog article.


If your charity or organisation has staff and you’ve not yet invested in training that provides them with the tools to recognise when lines blur and what to do to step back, get in touch. Charity discounts are also available. Click the contact link below so I can support your charity today.